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Building the Dream for Tomorrow's Youth


was to build a 4,700 square foot facility equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, classrooms, meeting and recreation space for our Find-A-Friend Youth Program. It is our dream that the Youth Enrichment Center will uplift our youth and empower them to uplift their community.

Made Possible by a Community of Dreamers

our progress

In 2 years time, we raised 100% of our $700,000 goal to fully fund the construction of The Manning Family

Find-A-Friend Youth Enrichment Center. View our gallery to learn more about the Build the Dream Campaign and how our community helped us realize a dream. 



Your name will appear on a plaque in front of the building to remind a grateful community that you believed in the dreams of our kids! 

thank you to these donors

Ann & John Ashford

Barbara Haas

Brenda & Rick Booth

Cassandra McMillion

Cavins Business Solutions

Certainty Home Loans

Culbreth Memorial UM Church

Dennis Scott

Dr. & Mrs. Dale Brown

Dr. & Mrs. Mark Zalaznik

Flora MacDonald Garden Club

Gary Fleck

Gloria Grayson

In Memory of Harold D. Holmes by 

John M. Wilson Bible Class

Leslie Kiewra

Malcolm Harris

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Haney

Mr. & Mrs. Champion Saint-Amand

Mr. & Mrs. Derrick McArthur

Mr. & Mrs. Gene Howell

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Dane

Mr. Ronald Grayson

Northpoint Solutions

of Highland Presbyterian

Regina Thompson

Tamara Bryant

The Study Club

Townsend Real Estate

brighter future bricks($500)

A brick with your name on it will be placed in the walkway leading up to the front door of the building. You can lead the way to brighter futures!

thank you to these donors

Blanche Radford-Curry

Clark Reaves

Coldwell Banker Advantage

Earnest L. Curry &

Fayetteville Police Department

H&H Onsite Homes

James & Nancy Willie

James Lampros

James Lampros

Joel A. Smith

Mr .& Mrs. David Stiff

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Blough

Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Evans

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Spangler

Onsite Homes

Vito Amoroso

Possibility pavers

A large stone paver with your name will adorn the walkway and activity areas. You can help kids to set new benchmarks for success.

thank you to these donors

Alliance Behavioral Health


Barbara Brooks

Branch Banking & Trust

Clark Family Foundation

Darden, Miranda & Associates

Dr. & Mrs. Richard Falter

Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Rochman

Florence Rogers Charitable Trust

H. Manly and Mary Robertson 

Junior League of Fayetteville

Morgan Stanley

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Short

Mr. & Mrs. James Wilson

Mr. & Mrs. John Holmes

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Bass

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Alligood

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bull

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Satisky

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Colantuono

Pat Talkington

Patricia Chabra

Phyllis P. Jones

Piedmont Natural Gas

Quikmed Pharmacy & Clinic

Systel Business Equipment

Terri Union

benchmark benches

A bench with your name on it will be placed in the activity areas. You can help kids set new benchmarks for success!

thank you to these donors

Ashton Fox

Bordeaux Center

Elizabeth Hubbard

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Teele

Mr. & Mrs. Ken Lancaster

The Re-Store Warehouse

Wade Hardin

Doors for dreamers ($10,000)

A door with your name on it will lead to a classroom or activity ares. You can open the door to dreamers!

thank you to these donors

Janet Belk
Ashton W. Lilly Family
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Legatski
Linda Goff

Windows into the Future ($15,000)

A large window with your name on it will give the youth a view of their community and help them to imagine new futures. You can give light to their bright ideas.

thank you to these donors

Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Lyn Green
Ralph Huff, III

Playground Equipment ($25,000)

State-of-the-art, environmentally friendly playground equipment with you r name on it will give the kids a place to exercise. You can give Kids a safe place to play and learn!

thank you to these donors

Mr. & Mrs. Autry Butler
Richard Hensdale
Ashton W. Lilly Family

Dream Computer Laboratory ($50,000)

A state-of-the-art classroom named after you will provide a learning space and equipment to facilitate their pursuits for academic and personal excellence. You can make room for learning and improving!

thank you to these donors

Dr. Glen Keeney Family

Longleaf Fund of the Foundation for the Carolinas
Ashton W. Lilly Family
Cumberland Community 
Foundation, Inc.

Dreamville Gymnasium

A large gym floor where basketball, martial arts, dance, theater arts and other activities will be taught. You can expose young people to new worlds and skills.

thank you to these donors

The Dreamville Foundation

Naming Rights to the Building ($150,000)

Name in large font on the front and entrance (large and visable from the road) of the youth facility.

Thank you to these donors

The Raymond & Eleanor Manning Fund of Cumberland Community Foundation, Inc.

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